Friday, November 26, 2004

Of cabbages & kings

My apologies to any readers I may have out there, for not posting in approximately an eon. I kept meaning to post something, but, unfortunately, procrastination is one of my specialties. Anyhoo...
Not a great deal going on. I've been at my grandparents' house for the last week (part of the reason I haven't posted-the Internet here is rather slooow. That-and I'm lazy), and a happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone. It's been a good vacation, and long, quite long. That's a definite advantage to being homeschooled, you can hit the road and not worry about missing school, you just haul it along with you.
The race for governor is (I think) still on here in Washington. For any non-Washingtonians out there, the two candidates are a Mr. Dino Rossi and Ms.-or Mrs.-Christine Gregoire. The reason I'm bothering to blab about this is just how strange the outcome of the election was, eventually. Last I checked, Rossi had won by only 40-something votes. Not 40,000. 40. Scary, isn't it?
And, unfortunately, certain Dems had to whine because they hadn't gotten their way again, and, as a result, recounts ensued. Yeesh. My message to any Washington democrats who were in favor of those recounts-Rossi won!! Deal with it!! To any who took it in stride, thank you for being such good sports.
And now, on a less political note...
At last, at long last, we finally went to see the Incredibles on Thanksgiving. Wow. If you haven't seen that yet, I have one thing to say: SEE IT! SEE IT, SEEITSEEITSEEIT!!!
Now you can see that I obviously liked it. It was a great movie (of course, it was Pixar, so what did you expect), and it may very well be the most fun I've ever had at a movie theater. It wasn't really as funny as some of the other Pixar movies, but it was still amazing. And having a movie with humans as the main characters for once was refreshing, not that I don't like bugs and fish, but, y'know...
And Pixar really showed their prowess at special effects with this film, too. Of course, I guess you could say that all their movies are one gigantic special effect, but we haven't seen much of the explosion/fireball/laser beam Star-Warsy effects in their previous movies, but this one was full of them, from beginning to end. And they're really something.
The plot wasn't brilliant (crazed genius tries to take over the world), but then again, it didn't have to be. I mean, how many superhero movies have brilliant plots? Right. And anyway, the great animation, characters, acting, facial expressions, etc. etc. more than made up for that.
See the Incredibles, mmkay? It'll be worth all your 5 bucks or so-and then some.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

I see...dead people?

Last night I finally saw the Sixth Sense for the first time. My mom had at last decided that my sister and I were able to see it (she can be kinda protective when it comes to movies and stuff). Back when I was about 9 or 10 my parents had been considering letting me see it, but they watched it again and changed their minds. Now, I've seen it, at long last, and I think I can say it lived up to my expectations. Bruce Willis was very good, although I haven't seen a lot of him to compare with, and Haley Joel Osment plays a heart-wrenching disturbed little kid. He totally deserved the Oscar nomination he got for that performance.
Overall, the movie wasn't really scary, but there were parts that were frightening or even disturbing (like that vomiting ghost...yuurrgghh). Overall the movie was more...unsettling. Particularly skin-crawly was the "I see dead people" conversation between the kid and the psychologist. One exchange in particular creeped me:
Kid: "Do you know why you feel afraid when you're alone?"
Psych: "No, why?"
Kid: "It's because they're there with you. (the dead people)"
Or something like that. The idea that whenever you're alone there's some invisible guy next to you with a knife sticking out of his back is very unsettling. Yeek.
This movie was the first one by M. Night Shyamalan that I've seen, and now I want to see more, even though it's pretty much unanimous that the Sixth Sense was his best movie. But I don't know if anything else of his is worth seeing. I've heard that Unbreakable was pretty good, but I've been getting the impression that everything else is a doozie. Signs is rather confusing. I had classmates who were raving about it, but my parents thought it was kind of dumb (I still want to see it). And, if the reviews are any indication, the Village is a bomb. Hmm. Looks like Shyamalan needs to release another film like the Sixth Sense or his reputation as a director is going down the toilet.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

The people I love to hate

I think, when it comes down to it, there's one single company that p***es me off more than any other. What is it? Wal-Mart? McDonalds? Enron? No, it's Planned Parenthood.
Well, duh. Anyone who's read my profile could probably see that coming from a mile away. Why do I hate these people? Ditto duh. Lessee now, what could I possibly have against a company that murders millions of innocent children yearly, screws up their mothers, gives millions of teens perverted views about sexuality, lies about what they do more than a Clinton clone, and makes millions in the process? Again, DUH!!!!
If I have one wish for my life, it's that I live to see these people go down the tubes. And when they do, I will laugh, very, very hard.
I really despise these people, for many reasons, as you've seen, but one that really gets to me is how they do all the things mentioned above, and then act like they're doing it out of compassion, out of love for mankind. To quote Roald Dahl: "Fetch me a basin, I'm going to be sick!"
An example of thier false compassion is an ad I've seen on their site several times when I've visited it (know thine enemy). Apparently PPFA at one point rounded up their minions for a protest-type thing which they called "March For Womens Lives!". What does this sound like? It sounds like they're saying that women are being killed in droves by having children, and that the thing that will save them is "safe, legal" abortions for all. Uh-huh. Let's see just how safe abortion really is:
After having an abortion, 10%* of women suffer immediate and painful complications, one-fifth of which are fatal. It is also the fifth leading cause of maternal death.
There are many such complications, such as placenta previa, which is fatal, severe bleeding in any future pregnancies the woman may have. Not nice. A list of the complications (including death, a-hem) can be found here.
Now, what else is wrong with these people? Ah, yes, good ol' sex ed.
Planned Parenthood's sexual education program is just as bad as their abortions, and gets them just about as much business. The basic gist of the program is "If it feels good, do it, and do it often!"
The students in the class have been shown videos of sex that are flat-out pornographic. They have been instructed not to let society's standards get in the way of attaining pleasure. They have been told that those who stand in the way of abortion, such as pro-lifers, are narrow-minded bigots who want to deprive women of their rights. They have been told that virginity is of no value, that saving sex for marriage and not doing it whenever you like is immature and, once again, narrow-minded. Anybody who argues with the instructor is ridiculed, and if they argue enough, they will get suspended from the school, even expelled.
In comparing their sex-ed program to absinence-based programs, Planned Parenthood calls the abstinence-based ones "medically unsound". That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. What medical risks come from Planned Parenthood's encouraged promiscuity? Plenty. What risks come from abstinence? None that I can think of. Last time I checked, in order to get a sexually transmitted disease, you had to have sex. Last time I checked, in order to get pregnant, you had to have sex. Theirs is not the most brilliant little nugget of wisdom.
There's a rough outline of why I hate Planned Parenthood. If you agree or disagree, well, the comment boxes are down there. Fire away.

What day is today...?

Veteran's Day, and hopefully you already knew that. A day off in the middle of the week. Rather unusual, but very welcome all the same. The problem with the Days Off, though, is that we tend to forget what they're about, in all the glory of not having to go to work, school, etc.
So, what we need to do today is take a moment to remember all those who have fought and possibly died to protect this country and what values it has. All the people who died in Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, the World Wars, and in any one of the other numerous conflicts we've gotten ourselves into. Remember our soldiers and veterans. It's because of them that you're still here.

Monday, November 08, 2004

I'm Shpeshul

According to some guy on Quizilla, I belong in this movie:

pirates of the caribbean

!!**_WHAT_MOVIE_R_U_FROM_**!!with Pics
brought to you by Quizilla

Aw, schucks. Not lil' old me?

Sunday, November 07, 2004

..Do you really think you're what they say you are?

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Friday night, I saw a production of Andrew Lloyd Weber's Jesus Christ, Superstar. It was a very good performance, although I have mixed feelings about the show in general. For those who don't know, JCS is a rock opera (a show that's entirely sung, to music that's a sort of rock/jazz/classical hybrid) about the last week of Jesus' life. The main problem with the show is that it portrays Jesus as being almost entirely human, as opposed to what he really was, all man and all God at the same time. An example of this is Jesus having a boyfriend/girlfriend type relationship with Mary Magdalene. Any Christian worth his zipper-bound Bible knows that isn't right. Another example is Jesus running away from a crowd of lepers who are clamoring for him to heal them. In the Gospel he really does heal them, he doesn't run away.
Andrew Lloyd Weber wasn't Christian, and he wasn't trying to write a historically accurate story of Jesus' life, in fact he may have made Jesus look human deliberately, perhaps for the sake of being avant-garde. Even so, people who are uneducated as to who Jesus really was may take the show to be a factual representation of his life. That's the thing that worries me. The show isn't history. It's entertainment.
As entertainment, anyway, the show was really good. The set was very well-built and interesting to look at, and fits the general mood of the show. The costumes were well done, as well (although those of the High Priests sometimes reminded me of Imperial soldiers aboard the Death Star in Star Wars, but that's just me). And the orchestra played all throughout the performance, and did well at it. While the story of his show is rather strange, the music is really something to listen to. And, last but obviously not least, the acting was great, and Judas (ironically, the largest role in the show next to Jesus. If you don't have a good Judas, JCS can easily flop) was very strongly acted, as was Jesus, and Mary Magdelene.
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Jesus takes a snooze in Mary Magdalene's arms while Judas looks on with disapproval. Or something

And the numerous chorus members all played their parts and kept their focus. Overall, it was an excellent show, and if I could, I'd like to see it again.

Funny, I just realized, I wrote this whole post newspaper-reviewer style. Odd how you can just slip in and out of "writing character" like that.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Some bad news

For whoever reads this, I have someone for you to put on your prayer list. That person is my grandpa. No, he's not sick or anything, but this is almost as bad. To tell you what's wrong, I'll back up about...well, a long time, well before I was born, in any case.
My grandpa is 70-something years old, and he's still not retired. The fact that some lazy warthogs are able to retire at 30 but my grandpa can't at 70 really rubs salt in this old wound. Anyway...where was I? Okay, my grandpa, since loong before I was born, has been having to run this lousy old mobile home community. I don't think he wanted the job in the first place, it was more or less thrust upon him. For years, he's been trying to sell the place, which has become a nasty sort of pigpen to have to run, but, considering it's condition, no one's been wanting to buy it. Finally, though, someone's decided they'll buy it, and when the sale was inches away from closing, some city official type b******s decided to drop the bombshell. Back up some more...
When my grandpa first had this property thrown upon him, it was in Seattle. Since then, someone got it into his head to change the city limits, so for the last 10 years the place has been in Tukwila. Back to where we were...
So, these city official guys from Tukwila brought the closure of the sale to a screeching halt. I'm not entirely sure how, but it has something to do with passing a law that will make my grandpa unable to sell the property. EVER. He'll have it until he's DEAD if they pass that law. Then you know what'll happen? That property will become my DAD'S responsibility, and that will SUCK.
So, all you Christian (or Muslim, or Jewish, or whatever, I don't care) readers out there please keep my grandpa in your prayers, and those city official idiots, too. Pray that they'll get their God-given sanity and goodwill back, and stop trying to pass that law!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Four more years

Hahahahaha! Bush won!! I was rather worried that Kerry would be the winner, but that was before the election even started. Then, I see the results of the polls, and not only was Bush coming out ahead, but almost all republicans in general were. Of course, I knew there was plenty of time for the tables to turn, but thankfully, they didn't. So, at about noon on Wednesday (over twelve hours later than when we were supposed to already know the results, hem hem) we found out that Bush won. No turning tables, thank God.
And, along with this, not only is Bush president, but we now have a very Republican Supreme Court (or is it the Senate? I learned what all these terms meant in 4th grade, I've since forgotten, fool that I am), with three empty spots waiting to have people appointed to them by the President, and those three people will almost certainly be Republican, too. The only thing that went wrong was that Patty Murray (a very pro-choice candidate for Washington, hack hack) was able to worm her way into the Senate. Waaah.
So, Bush, you have another chance. Last term wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't great, either. Make this one count for something, mmmkay?

Monday, November 01, 2004


Okay, first things first. This blog is not entirely new, it's a ressurrected (am I spelling that right?) version of my old blog. I killed the last one because I had indirectly inflamed the fury of a straaange group of people, and they were going to come barraging into my old blog with all sorts of nasty, profane comments and the like, and the only way to avert this catastrophe was to kill my old blog, and then raise it up from the ashes. Hence, this new one. The stuff below is some flotsam and jetsam from my old site that I saved for pack-ratty reasons. Aaand...that's it.


#1 I just got a membership with this pretty cool looking site, It's a site that has fanfiction for almost every conceivable piece of media, from anime to crappy sitcoms. And, if you're a member (like I now am), you can write your own fanfiction and publish it on the site. If your not a member, you can browse through the practically endless pages of stories and read and review any that catch your interest. Not meaning to brag, but I'm a fair writer (something I don't generally reflect on this blog), so I think I'll be having lots of fun with this site.

#2 News and stuff 2
I apologize that my posts haven't been exactly thrilling of late, but I've been experiencing a sort of lull in ideas for them. They may be like this for a while. Or maybe not. Anyway...Yesterday my sister and I were part of an interview for another play we're in on a local radio station. It went pretty well, could've been better, but such is life. It airs on Monday, and I think when it comes on, I'll go into my bedroom and listen to old CDs, because I kinda don't care to listen. Not that I did badly, but something always happens to my voice when it's recorded, that is, it sounds a bizillion octaves lower than it is, and I don't know why. Most boys my age might like that, but I don't. It makes me sound like a stupid gorilla on any recording, and it sucks.The elections are coming up pretty fast. Only a few more weeks before we see who's going to lead our country through this terrorist crap. I notice I'm starting to feel less...fervent...about the whole thing. Not that I don't care who wins, I still want Bush to win. He at least doesn't support the barbarism that is abortion or the parody of real marriage that is homosexual marriage. But I'm starting to realize that both Bush and Kerry are rather...mediocre. If Bush wins, then there is at least four more years possibility of success for the pro-life movement. If Kerry wins, then I expect four years of ho-hum, until the 2008 elections, at which point, I recently realized, I"LL BE ABLE TO VOTE!!! Mwa-haw-haw. I'll have (some) POWER!Yaaaaaaaay...

#3 Visions of Hell: Quality Control Alliance
Apart from my blog hogging buds, I'm not really one for making friends on the Internet. You may recall a list I published earlier of websites I hate, which included Jack T. Chick's and Planned Parenthood's websites. Well, I've got another one to add. The website of the "Quality Control Alliance." This website is a big, ugly blog whose members largely consist of religion-hating Satanists/pagans/atheists. The blog devotes itself to the endorsement of modern paganism, the ridicule of organized religion, and the encouragement of an immoral lifestyle, the type brimming with promiscous sex and ample drugs.As was the case with Jack Chick, I was introduced to this website by my friends over at BlogHogger. It started when I noticed posts on Bloghogger talking about the QCA in much the same way I am now. Then I observed as angry and extremely crude comments from the QCA's members began to pile up in those posts. Then I visited their site myself, and just commented on how charming they are. Then, today, I checked the comments for my last post, and saw two (which were, once again, rude'n'crude) comments from two of their leading members on the post. These comments have since been deleted, because they are basically just insulting and of no value whatsoever to me. The fact that these guys are aware I exist, however, (which wasn't the case with Chick, and certainly not Planned Parenthood) makes it all the more interesting.They're a rather funny bunch, actually. If you were able to look at the comments they left on my previous post, you'd have seen that they appear incapable of articulate speech. They simply string a bunch of swear words together, throw in some monosyllables for good measure, and call it a sentence. Kinda goes like this:"This site sucks d**k (grunt). Smells like p**s (grunt). What'd you do, drink a f****n' jug of f**kin' gasoline? (grunt) By the way, your f****n' opinions are f****n' bull****. "And if they get it into their head to visit here again anytime soon, more comments like that are sure to come. Rather depressing, really. Ah, well.G'night, all.

#4 Because I like to get on his case...
So, Halloween is tomorrow. A night of spooks, goblins, sugar highs, and blah blah blah blah blah. And, since parts of this holiday can be remotely evil, our friend Jack "the Chicken" Chick has something to say about it. Observe.After reading the tract linked to above, what you have just learned is, in a nutshell, that Halloween was started by a bunch of demented homicidal Pagan priests, that their grand legacy of Satanism and sacrifice is still plaguing society on Halloween today, and that Satan loves it when people go trick-or-treating because this practice pulls them into witchcraft. Some of these facts are more or less true, but, in true Chicken style, the facts have been blown out of proportion. Again, Observe.Now, if you have clicked on the above link, you know the real story of Halloween, which is quite contrary to the Chicken's paranoid (as always) claims. While it is true that some Satanist ceremonies take place on Halloween, there aren't nearly as many as described in the tract you linked to (Quote: "Are there lots of witches, Suzy?" to which Suzy responds, in classic paranoid chicken style: "Are you kidding? Teens everywhere are going into both black and white witchcraft" Riight). Any teens visiting this site, tell me, just how many people do you know who scarifice babies on Halloween? I sure don't know any. But if "teens everywhere" were practicing this sort of thing, don't you think we'd be hearing more about it? Not to say that you shouldn't proceed with caution when trick-or-treating, but, come on.And how, exactly, does trick-or-treating pull you into witchcraft? "Gosh, Jimmy, I dunno, that Snickers looks pretty posessed to me." Short of actually stumbling into a Satanic ritual being held in the street, I'm not entirely sure how that'll happen. If we're reasonably careful about who we go with, where we go, what we dress up as, etc., Halloween is pretty harmless. So, Jack Chick, take a chill pill and call me in the morning.