Thursday, November 11, 2004

The people I love to hate

I think, when it comes down to it, there's one single company that p***es me off more than any other. What is it? Wal-Mart? McDonalds? Enron? No, it's Planned Parenthood.
Well, duh. Anyone who's read my profile could probably see that coming from a mile away. Why do I hate these people? Ditto duh. Lessee now, what could I possibly have against a company that murders millions of innocent children yearly, screws up their mothers, gives millions of teens perverted views about sexuality, lies about what they do more than a Clinton clone, and makes millions in the process? Again, DUH!!!!
If I have one wish for my life, it's that I live to see these people go down the tubes. And when they do, I will laugh, very, very hard.
I really despise these people, for many reasons, as you've seen, but one that really gets to me is how they do all the things mentioned above, and then act like they're doing it out of compassion, out of love for mankind. To quote Roald Dahl: "Fetch me a basin, I'm going to be sick!"
An example of thier false compassion is an ad I've seen on their site several times when I've visited it (know thine enemy). Apparently PPFA at one point rounded up their minions for a protest-type thing which they called "March For Womens Lives!". What does this sound like? It sounds like they're saying that women are being killed in droves by having children, and that the thing that will save them is "safe, legal" abortions for all. Uh-huh. Let's see just how safe abortion really is:
After having an abortion, 10%* of women suffer immediate and painful complications, one-fifth of which are fatal. It is also the fifth leading cause of maternal death.
There are many such complications, such as placenta previa, which is fatal, severe bleeding in any future pregnancies the woman may have. Not nice. A list of the complications (including death, a-hem) can be found here.
Now, what else is wrong with these people? Ah, yes, good ol' sex ed.
Planned Parenthood's sexual education program is just as bad as their abortions, and gets them just about as much business. The basic gist of the program is "If it feels good, do it, and do it often!"
The students in the class have been shown videos of sex that are flat-out pornographic. They have been instructed not to let society's standards get in the way of attaining pleasure. They have been told that those who stand in the way of abortion, such as pro-lifers, are narrow-minded bigots who want to deprive women of their rights. They have been told that virginity is of no value, that saving sex for marriage and not doing it whenever you like is immature and, once again, narrow-minded. Anybody who argues with the instructor is ridiculed, and if they argue enough, they will get suspended from the school, even expelled.
In comparing their sex-ed program to absinence-based programs, Planned Parenthood calls the abstinence-based ones "medically unsound". That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. What medical risks come from Planned Parenthood's encouraged promiscuity? Plenty. What risks come from abstinence? None that I can think of. Last time I checked, in order to get a sexually transmitted disease, you had to have sex. Last time I checked, in order to get pregnant, you had to have sex. Theirs is not the most brilliant little nugget of wisdom.
There's a rough outline of why I hate Planned Parenthood. If you agree or disagree, well, the comment boxes are down there. Fire away.