Saturday, November 13, 2004

I see...dead people?

Last night I finally saw the Sixth Sense for the first time. My mom had at last decided that my sister and I were able to see it (she can be kinda protective when it comes to movies and stuff). Back when I was about 9 or 10 my parents had been considering letting me see it, but they watched it again and changed their minds. Now, I've seen it, at long last, and I think I can say it lived up to my expectations. Bruce Willis was very good, although I haven't seen a lot of him to compare with, and Haley Joel Osment plays a heart-wrenching disturbed little kid. He totally deserved the Oscar nomination he got for that performance.
Overall, the movie wasn't really scary, but there were parts that were frightening or even disturbing (like that vomiting ghost...yuurrgghh). Overall the movie was more...unsettling. Particularly skin-crawly was the "I see dead people" conversation between the kid and the psychologist. One exchange in particular creeped me:
Kid: "Do you know why you feel afraid when you're alone?"
Psych: "No, why?"
Kid: "It's because they're there with you. (the dead people)"
Or something like that. The idea that whenever you're alone there's some invisible guy next to you with a knife sticking out of his back is very unsettling. Yeek.
This movie was the first one by M. Night Shyamalan that I've seen, and now I want to see more, even though it's pretty much unanimous that the Sixth Sense was his best movie. But I don't know if anything else of his is worth seeing. I've heard that Unbreakable was pretty good, but I've been getting the impression that everything else is a doozie. Signs is rather confusing. I had classmates who were raving about it, but my parents thought it was kind of dumb (I still want to see it). And, if the reviews are any indication, the Village is a bomb. Hmm. Looks like Shyamalan needs to release another film like the Sixth Sense or his reputation as a director is going down the toilet.