Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Whuzzat? Bustleg Hill?

I have a confession to make.
All this buzz about Brokeback Mountain has gotten me curious about the movie. You've got the liberals gushing on one side and the conservatives, well, griping on the other. This has, so far, been a decade for controversial movies. First there was The Passion, followed by Farenheit 911, and now we have Brokeback.
Anyhoo, I don't really feel like talking politik right now. I've already made my position on homosexuality clear, and if you don't already know what it is, I challenge you to guess it. Moving on...
What has incited me to make such a shocking statement as "there is an iota of curiosity within me to see Brokeback Mountain,"? Well, several things:
1): Considering that this movie has been nominated for 8 Oscars, there must be something artistically good about it. Of course, it is entirely possible that all the critical acclaim is simply coming from the fact that this movie is supposedly "taking risks" and "challenging viewers to question their beliefs," or whatever it is people like to say. I suppose it is taking risks, to a point, but one of said risks certainly is not that of ticking off critics. Pretty much the biggest risk it is taking is that of getting vocal conservatives into a tizzy, and perhaps that of having the director loved to death by half of everyone else. I'm not saying that the direction or acting in this movie is bad; it's probably fairly good, but is it so high above standard as to deserve 8 Academy nods? Hopefully it is, because if it isn't, it means our artistic community has slid hopelessly far down the left side of the brain.
2): Uuuh....I forgot. Gimme a minute. Oh, yeah:
It probably makes for an interesting story. The fact is, gays suffer(ed) a lot of persecution, and I'm sure gay cowboys in the 1800's or whenever this takes place would have been...well, it would've been bad. Doomed love stories are always interesting, and that's what Brokeback appears to mostly be (aside from the obvious fact...).
3): Good ol' fashioned concupiscence (let's assume I spelled that right) which, In Other Words, as certain members of my family like to say, is the same twisted fascination we have looking at a car wreck. The fact that this is present is incentive enough not to see this movie.
Anyhoo, I finished my homework early tonight and thought I should take the rare opportunity to share my thoughts.