Thursday, December 15, 2005

Snow...or something like it

For pretty much the entirety of the day, evreything outdoors was covered in ice. Yipee. And then, a little before school's out, several of us observe small, rather grainy snowflakes falling from the heavens. Not expecting them to stick, I sighed a resigned sigh and wandered into the hall to gather up books and other assorted paraphernalia (great word, that. Assuming I'm even spelling/using it correctly).
I peek outside a few moments later to discover that the snow is not only sticking, but that the parking lot has become a veritable ice rink. Schweet!
And so I wasted about 10 minutes sliding and screeching around in a rather haphazard way along with a dozen other people. Narrowly (well, not really) evading disaster at the hands Panting like a St. Bernard as I proceed in and out of the school. Never (thankfully) getting the idea of licking the flagpole. And feeling my fingers burn up as I sit in a toasty car.
Fun schtuff.