Sunday, June 11, 2006

First post in, like, a million years

Today is the second day of summer. On Friday, I, about a half dozen friends, and various members of my family kicked it off with the best kind of bash: a (mostly) spontaneous one. It was awesome. After going to see Mission Impossible III (one of the few movies that you can actually burn calories by watching, I'm willing to bet), we decided to all head over to my house, and, amazingly, when we got there my mom had ordered six pizzas and was in the process of making other things, i.e. salad. It was incredible that she was able to just do that, after receiving forewarning from my dad. I wuv my pawents.
And later traffic on Swift Ave. found us stage fighting in the islands in the middle of the road, and imitating Abbey Road on the crosswalks. We're probably the weirdest bunch of hooligans society has yet seen. And all without drugs!
And lastly, possibly most spontaneously of all, we ended the whole glorious thing by dancing in the living room to the likes of The Police, Queen and Aretha Franklin. Wheeeee...
Now it's Sunday, and that Friday night seems, well, like a long time ago. Since it is still the weekend, the actual feeling of summer hasn't yet hit me, but mental aspects of it have. And it's weird.
Now I'm largely deprived of the company of people I've seen 5 out of 7 days of every week for 9 months (a few of whom I'll likely never see again). I'm not depressed about this; it's just weird...well, yes, a little sad. For three whole months, I'll be sort of isolated, at least compared to before. Also, while school life kept my schedule going at an almost psychotic pace, it has now slowed down to near nil. I have a grand total of three things to worry about now every day: practicing drums, practicing singing, and rehearsals in the evening for the Wizard of Oz. I hate to whine, but it's a fact: boredom looms.
So now I'm forced to come up with inventive ways to occupy myself. Here are some things:
  • See all those movies I've been wanting to see but never had time to
  • Blog more (no guarantees, though)
  • Spend time just lounging at the library
  • "Go nocturnal," occassionally. That is, go to bed at seven P.M. and get up at 3:30 A.M. to roam aimlessly around town until dawn, when NO ONE'S AROUND!
  • Swim at the pool a block away
  • At some point, walk across the Tri-Cities with my friend, Randy.
  • And other things, but they're not coming to mind, so yah.
Anyhoo, hope y'all have as kewl a summer as mine has the untapped potential to be.