Sunday, April 16, 2006

Viva Jesus!

It's Easter! Aaaand...yeah, I actually don't have much to say.
I suppose I could sum up Lenten eventens, but I really can't think of much comment to make on that, either. Except that on Thursday I had a pretty humbling experience. How so?
Well, let's just say it's interesting that sometimes while we can feel our heads getting a little swelled, since it's not happening with conscious effort on our part there's not much we can do about it; in other words, while I never actually said to myself: "Oh, I am just so on top of this spiritual thang," that feeling of superiority was still creeping in, and it came and slapped me in the face last week after I discovered some "advice" I had given was badly taken but not badly needed. Fortunately, things have been (more or less) reconciled, but that didn't stop me feeling like a dork.
Hooray for shots of dorkiness. Anyway, enough of this, it's Easter, eat chocolate, say "Hallelujah!", be happy!