Saturday, March 25, 2006

Ode to Goth

When did cynicism come into style? When did it become popular and seemingly intelligent to rebel against life, and to declare that life is nothing but a series of letdowns, backstabbings and cruel twists of fate? When did we get the impression that we are nothing but dust clinging to the surface of a cold, barren rock hurtling through space, alone without rhyme or reason? And when did we decide that it is best to show this chronic pessimism in everyday life? By grumbling to ourselves, complaining and shutting ourselves off from others we further the cause of sadness (not to mention we do absolutely nothing to fix whatever problem we were complaining about). We make the world a little bleaker.
As if it isn't bleak enough.
Let's turn this trend of misery around. Let's come to realize that life really is a continuous miracle, and that we really are incredibly lucky. Let's come out of our holes, put the pedal to the metal, wake up and smell the coffee, apply ourselves and make the world a better place. Let's realize that life is more than just "not bad." It's pretty awesome. Fluffy as this sounds, as much like a sugar-coated kindergarten teacher this may seem, it's really not a bad idea, for, (to quote Dave Matthews) "life is short but sweet for certain."
A little message from the Society for a Society that Stops Pretending to be Miserable. Thank you.