Wednesday, May 25, 2005

An old bumper sticker comes to mind

Another interesting tidbit in today's paper:
Apparently, the percentage of children making up the population of San Francisco (and other big cities) has gone sky diving lately. Right now, 14.5% of the population of SF is made up of people younger than 18.
Who's surprised?
Schools in San Francisco are now half full, the park is populated more by dog owners than by chilluns, and the kids that are still there can't be sure their friends will be there the next day. No, I'm not saying SF's totalitarian (totalitarian....right, this is California were talking about) government is sending out snipers to systematically pick off the kids. Actually, families, and the kids in them, are vamoosing faster than they can be replaced. Again, who's surprised?
This kid-loss has been attributed to several things. It's been suggested that part of this is becuase 20% of San Francisco's population is homosexual (now, you gotta admit that's weird--more homosexuals than kids. When's the last time that happened?), however, this idea has been somewhat debunked, as more and more gay/lesbian couples are adopting.
It seems that the city itself is scaring people away. Most of the families that have been running away haven't been going to Alaska or anything, they've just been running to nearby residential neighborhoods; places that aren't suffering quite so much from the city's claustrophobia and general nose-in-the-air-ish-ness.
Anyway, just thought I'd share that.