Saturday, May 14, 2005

Buckle up or die

Yesterday, Ye Olde Merry Washington (not D.C.), started a statewide crackdown on all those nasty-wasty people who don't wear seat-belts. Now, if a copper catches you with passengers (or yourself) without a seat-belt, you get the usual old $100 dollar ticket...for you. If there's more than one person in the car without a 'belt, however, you get ticketed for them, as well. So, if you're lucky, a trip to the grocery store can cost you $500 (for a family like ours, anyway)!!! Oh, goody!
And as an added bonus, cops can now pull you over for exactly zero reasons, just to make sure you're clickin' it.
Why am I so ticked about this? It's just a stupid seat-belt. Precisely, it's just a stupid seat-belt. You'd think our state's government would have more important things on their minds than seat-belts. Their train of thought seems to be going somehwhat like so: "Why worry about meth labs or embezzlers when we can get those meanies who don't buckle up?" Yeah, why worry?? Goodness knows that people who don't buckle up are more of a threat to society than those who are crankin' out crack by the bagful, or killing kids by the jarful.
So remember, all you Washingtonians: Click it or ticket.