Thursday, July 14, 2005

Brace yourselves...

...first post in a looong time:
Any regular readers of mine will notice that I haven't posted in the last, what, month?
This is pretty much because we were moving, and thus our Internet service had to be uprooted and transplanted (more on that irritating little saga later).
We have moved into a big ol' remodeled "A" house (if anyone knows what "A" means, please let me know. As far as I can tell, it means the house was built way back when in the forties). It's a lovely place, but the location is what's really fantastic. You can bike almost anywhere. To a movie, to a fast food place, to the library, to the pool, to church...seemingly everything is a stone's throw away (with the exception of what will be school next year, but even that is significantly closer).
So we have moved to a great house with a great location. That's one bit of news. Second bit:
My birthday was June 23. I am now fifteen. WHEEEEE!! PERMIT TIME!! Can't wait to get out and terrorize the populace in the process of learning to drive. Heheheh...
Third bit:
I am typing this on a computer at the library. Verizon, our ex-ISP, is being a butthead, true to the nature of massive corporate beasts. We have spent the last month grappling with their oh-so-connected highnesses over at Verizon, trying to get the Internet back up at our new place, only to come to this thoroughly irritating conclusion:
We cannot have our good ol' DSL service back, as it isn't provided to our area. So we can either revert back to dialup, or do all our Internet business at the library, as I'm doing now. Fortunately, they do have DSL (or something else fast) here, but the only browser they have is stinkin' old Explorer. I hate Explorer! BAAH!! I want Firefox (my apologies to IE users veiwing this site. It looks great in Firefox, it really does, IMHO).
Lastly, I would like to offer my thoughts on War of the Worlds, which I saw Sunday.
There was something about WW that seemed different from other movies. For one thing, it held my attention for the entire time. Not so with most movies, which tend to have their snore moments. No boring bits here.
Something else about WW, though, that struck me, was that I had never seen a movie quite this was. This movie is truly a series of unfortunate events. After the first hapless dude gets torched with a heat ray, the three D's (death, doom, and destruction) never let up, until the very end. The only other movie that I've seen that constantly hammers you that way is the Passion. Not that I'm making any other comparisons between the two. Jesus' crucifixion and takeover by hostile aliens are two very different things.
In my opinion, if you are over ten years old (there are rather disturbing bits), and are reasonably fond of sci-fi, you should definitely see this movie. It's not Spielberg's best, but compared to the other films trying to break the schlock-block, it's good stuff.